About Ayur Centre

Explore the Eight Limbs of Ayurveda: Your Journey to Holistic Wellness in Singapore

Imagine embarking on a voyage across a boundless ocean of knowledge, its currents whispering ancient wisdom and its tides revealing new insights with every lap. This is the adventure that awaits you in Ayurveda, a holistic science brimming with unparalleled richness and depth. To navigate this expansive treasure trove, our ancestors meticulously divided it into eight distinct branches, each a vibrant limb of the same tree, rooted in shared principles yet reaching diverse aspects of well-being.

At Ayur Centre in Singapore, we invite you to dive into these eight limbs and discover the unique domains they encompass:

Kaya Chikitsa: The Symphony of General Medicine

Kaya, meaning “body,” and Chikitsa, meaning “treatment,” find their harmonious union in this branch. From digestive disharmony to chronic ailments, Kaya Chikitsa offers personalized Ayurvedic therapies and medicines to restore balance and inner symphony within your body.


Bala Chikitsa: Nurturing the Seeds of Tomorrow

This branch, as its name suggests, focuses on the delicate health of children, ensuring their journey from conception to adulthood thrives with optimal well-being. From pre-natal care for expectant mothers to nurturing healthy offspring, Bala Chikitsa guides every step of childhood, building a strong foundation for life.


Graha Chikitsa: Unraveling the Threads of Mental Wellness

Ayurveda recognizes the profound connection between a healthy body and a clear mind. Graha Chikitsa, often translated as “psychotherapy,” delves into the realm of mental disorders, employing a unique blend of herbal remedies, counseling techniques, and even religious practices tailored to individual needs.


Urdhwanga Chikitsa: Reaching Above the Clavicle

This branch focuses on the health of the delicate upper body, specifically the ears, nose, and throat. From the common cold to chronic sinusitis, Urdhwanga Chikitsa offers gentle yet effective Ayurvedic treatments to restore harmony and alleviate discomfort in these sensitive areas.


Shalya Chikitsa: The Art of Surgical Precision

When internal balance needs external intervention, Shalya Chikitsa, the branch of surgery, comes into play. From ancient pioneers like Sushruta, the “Father of Indian Surgery,” to modern advancements, this branch showcases Ayurveda’s remarkable contribution to surgical techniques and wound healing.


Damshtra Chikitsa: Defending Against Toxins

Also known as Agada Tantra, this branch equips you with the knowledge to combat the dangers of poisoning. From venomous bites to food contamination, Damshtra Chikitsa offers invaluable insights into identifying toxins, understanding their effects, and administering effective Ayurvedic antidotes.


Jara Chikitsa: Embracing the Graceful Ageing

Jara Chikitsa, meaning “Geriatrics,” focuses on graceful aging and slowing down the natural deterioration of the body and mind. Through Rasayana, the science of rejuvenation, this branch offers solutions to maintain vitality, cognitive function, and overall well-being in your later years.


Vrishya Chikitsa: Cultivating Vitality and Progeny

Known as Vajikarana, this branch focuses on enhancing sexual health and reproductive potential. From promoting hormonal balance to addressing fertility issues, Vrishya Chikitsa offers natural Ayurvedic solutions for individuals and couples seeking to cultivate vibrant sexual health and healthy offspring.


Eight Limbs of AyurvedaThis glimpse into the eight limbs of Ayurveda is just the tip of the iceberg. Beyond these, Ayurveda encompasses knowledge of plant life in Vrkshayurveda, animal health in Hastiayurveda and Pashuayurveda, and much more. It is a boundless ocean of wisdom waiting to be explored, offering profound insights into every aspect of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

While Ayurveda boasts a rich history and sound philosophical foundation, research and broader acceptance are crucial for its wider adoption. At Ayur Centre, we believe in bridging this gap by showcasing the effectiveness of Ayurveda in modern lives. We invite you to join us on this incredible journey of discovery, one where every wave of knowledge holds the potential to transform your life and unlock the profound wisdom within the ancient ocean of Ayurveda.